Why attend

Why attend IAPRD 2024 in Lisbon?
Hear from colleagues around the world:

Dr. Yue Hui Lau

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Rukmini Mridula Kandadai

Hyderabad, India

Dr. Daniel Martinez-Ramirez

Monterrey, Mexico

Dr. Rupam Borgohain

Hyderabad, India

Latest news for the upcoming XXVI World Congress on Parkinson’s Diseease and Related Disorders:
The scheduled meeting for May 2021 will take place and update you on the latest developments and innovations in our field. Either we are looking forward to welcoming you at the brand new opened Maastricht Congress Center in person or our World Congress will take place online. In both scenarios a technical exhibition will be available and our sponsors are looking forward to (e)meeting you.

Stay updated and sign up for our newsletter. Looking forward seeing you in May 2021!